Video Testimonials

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Our amazing patients are why we do what we do. Here you can listen to their words and see how Dr. Michael Sonick and our team have changed their lives. We invite you to view our video testimonials below to learn more about our dental services in Fairfield, Connecticut. Call 203-254-2006 today and schedule a consultation with our dentists at Fairfield County Implants and Periodontics, LLC to learn how we can help you.

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Cayla - Dental Implants

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Ellie - Dental Fear

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Dave - Dental Implants

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Oryzia - Dental Implants

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Anne - Crown Lengthening

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Carol - Oral Health

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David - Bone Loss

Gary thumbnail

Gary - Oral Health

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Allison - Single Implant

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Hazel - Front tooth Implant

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Clyde - Smile Makeover

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Shay - Oral Health

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Stelio – Multiple Implants

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Pete – Single Dental Implant

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Vanessa – Oral Health

Joyce thumbnail

Joyce – Multiple Implants

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Ariana – Front Teeth Implants

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Karol – Full Mouth Reconstruction

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Elizabeth – Single Implant

Al thumbnail

Al – Multiple Implants

Ab thumbnail

Ab – Single Implant

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Hellen – Gum Grafting

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Maiya – Single Implant

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Khaled – Single Implant

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John – Periodontal Care

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Mario – Smile Makeover

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Tetyana – Full Mouth Rehabilitation

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Georgene – Multiple Implants

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Patty – Multiple Implants

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AnnMarie – Front Tooth Implant

Lateral Incisor Implant for a Dental Assistent: This patient lost her incisor due to fracture. Note the gum tissue was also deficient. In addition to implant placement the gum and bone tissue was also restored leading to a pleasing esthetic as well as functional result.

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Rick – Multiple Implants

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Julia – Front Tooth Implant

Restoring a Lost Canine and Premolar: We met this delightful young woman at age 14 following the unfortunate loss of two teeth. Combining bone grafting with implant placement and ideal prosthetic reconstruction, we were able to restore her upper teeth to perfection. The result – a very happy patient.

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John – Front Tooth Implant

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Silvia – Front Tooth Implant

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Josh – Front Teeth Implants

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Lonnie – Multiple Implants

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Jonathan – Multiple Implants

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Douglas – Single Implant

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Diane – Single Implant

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Renee – Single Implant

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Judith – Smile Makeover

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Richard – Multiple Implants

Restoration of Hopeless Upper Bicuspids and Molars: After years of periodontal disease, this patient required removal of his remaining upper teeth. Implants were placed following bone grafting. He has been functioning for over 10 years on his new restoration.

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Judy – Smile Makeover

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Jeffrey – Single Implant

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Lamine – Periodontal Care

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Christie – Corticotomy

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Kathi – Dental Care

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Miggs – Multiple Implants

Functional and Esthetic reconstructic: Two adjacent upper bicuspids were lost due to decay. Replacement with dental implants achieved a functional and esthetic reconstruction. Miggs is very pleased with the result, and smiles easily, especially at his art shows.

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Steve – Multiple Implants

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Arnold – Multiple Implants

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Stuart – Single Tooth Implant

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Alan – Immediate Implants

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JoAnn – Front teeth Implants

Immediate single implant reconstruction: Following extraction of her upper left central incision, implants were immediately placed. Four months later a beautiful life like dental reconstruction was fabricated. To achieve excellent esthetics veneers were also placed on her adjacent laterals and canines. Her teeth have not looked this good in 0ver 30 years!

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Keyla – Single Implant

This young woman never formed an upper front tooth (the lateral incisor). Orthodontic movement followed by bone regeneration was undertaken to prepare the site for a dental implant. This resulted in a natural-looking incisor and a thrilled patient.

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Lisa – Full Mouth Implant Rest.

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Ralph – Full Mouth Recons.

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Sal – Immediate Implants

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Katsuhiko – Front Implant

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Shannon – Front Implant

Nobody can tell I have an implant: This attractive dental assistant had a history of trauma to her front tooth at age 12. Twenty years later the root canal failed which led to the loss the tooth. Following extraction and bone grafting, an implant was placed. Today, no one can tell that her front tooth is actually a dental implant. Listen to her experience on video.

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Stephen – Multiple Implants

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Kirby – Single Tooth Implant

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Jessica – Single Tooth Implant

Bone regeneration and successful implant before her wedding: This young female presented to our office after three failed bone grafts. Severe scarring of the gum tissue was present due to the previous surgeries. She was told that a dental implant was not possible. Fortunately, we were able to regenerate the lost bone with tissue engineering and present her with a new tooth supported by a dental implant. She was able to walk down the aisle at her wedding feeling like the beautiful woman she is.

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Rebecca – Single Implant

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Zade – Full Mouth Implant

European Banker Lost Her Smile: Nothing ever went right for this pretty woman. She grew up without the benefit of good dental care. The result was a loss of teeth and confidence. Today, following implant rehabilitation, she feels like a young woman again.

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Mimi – Single Front Implant

A fracture of a root canal-treated tooth led to the loss of the central incisor. By replacing the fractured front tooth with a dental implant and restoring the neighboring tooth with a new crown, the patient's beautiful smile returned.

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Miles – Gum Grafting

Dentist with Recession : This 70 year old retired dentist wanted a dental implant. He did not know that gingival grafting could repair his recession and eliminate the need to bonding to the roots of his teeth. The bonding was removed and the gum grafted fused to the cleaned root resulting in a restoration of health and complete esthetic root coverage.

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Marie – Single Front Implant

I can eat what I want!: For many years Marie was not able to bite into an apple. Following tooth replacement with a dental implant, Marie can eat and enjoy whatever she pleases.

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Raul – Single Implant

Failed Root Canal: Raul has never had a good dental experience. He recently had a root canal that failed. He lost confidence in the dental profession. Our challenge (and goal) was to restore his missing tooth as well as his confidence in our profession. Happily, we did both.

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Jaye – Full Mouth Implant Rec.

Turning Back the Hands of Time: This former 78 year old Ford model presented with a severe infection and inability to eat despite years of dental care. Immediate teeth removal and immediate placement of dental implants restored her to function, health and esthetics. She is now happy, healthy and pain free.

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Brian – Esthetic Crown length…

Functional and Cosmetic Rehabilitation of a Young Man : This young man was congenitally missing many teeth and required both orthodontics and dental implants. Following treatment, esthetic crown lifting was done on the upper and longer teeth to give him a beautiful result.

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John – Esthetic Crowns

Smile Makeover for an Executive: This 40 year old fashion industry exec wanted to improve his smile. Older unaesthetic crowns were removed, gum tissue repositioned and 6 new crowns were positioned ideally.

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Elaine – Teeth in a day

Lawyer finally gets justice: This middle aged female attorney traveled from dentist to dentist in search of a solution to her dental problem. The result was a patch work of care that was not aesthetic or functional. Following removal of the infected teeth and misplaced implants, the bone was reconstructed and new implants placed. The patient is now pain free and has a beautiful smile of which she is quite proud.

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Daria – Gum Grafting

From Russia to USA. A long trip for a solution to recession: Daria, a college educated woman was in need of extensive gum grafting. Living in Moscow, it was difficult to find a periodontal specialist in Russia. After extensive online research, Daria decided to travel to the United States for care. In one long visit we were able to accomplish extensive gingival reconstruction which stabilized her teeth. The entire team was pleased and appreciates the confidence that Daria has shown in us.

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Paul – Full Mouth Rehab…

Severe Decay No More : This patient was very prone to root cavities, resulting in severe pain and esthetic disfiguration. His dental visits always resulted in the loss of teeth. After removing his teeth and placing dental implants he was able to be restored to complete health, function and esthetics. He can eat whatever he wants with no more worries about dental disease. He is extremely happy.

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Doug – Single Implant

Musician missing front tooth : This 65 year man was unhappy with his missing tooth and told he could not have an implant due to lack of bone. Utilizing bone grafting and a trabecular metal implant, the final crown was able to be placed 3 weeks following implant placement and bone grafting – amazing. The night of surgery the patient played piano with his band and sang at a local gig.

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Tim – Periodontal Health

Long-term follow-up: This 30 year old young man presented to our clinic in 1989 with generalized severe periodontal disease. He was petrified, after being told he would lose all of his teeth. We immediately allayed his fears. We said that if he followed our instructions and got his teeth cleaned every 3 months, he would have a very good chance of predictably saving his teeth. Today, 30 years later, he has all of his teeth. Bone loss has been stopped cold. To read the 30 year follow up published article click on the link below. More powerful is Tim’s video version. WE encourage you to hear it. CLICK BELOW. If you have been told that there is on solution, his story will offer you hope.

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Russell – Periodontal Health

The importance of Treatment and Dental Care: This patient was told he was going to lose all of his teeth in in 1987. Over thirty years later he still has all of his teeth and periodontal health has been maintained. Following conservative. esthetic, regenerative periodontal therapy the patient was placed on a three month recare program. His only dental treatment has been routine teeth cleaning.

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Deborah – Single Implant

Smile Restored: A failed root canal led to fracture of this woman’s central incisor. Extraction with bone and gum tissue reconstruction was performed prior to implant therapy. This staged approach, frequently used in the front part of the mouth, resulted in beautiful esthetics.

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Bruno – Full Mouth Implant

It's never too late: It is never too late to improve your smile! Upper Implant Makeover: teeth in the maxilla failed due to decay. Patient was transitioned from teeth to full arch implants seamlessly without having to wear any removable teeth in the interim.

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Maggi – Single Front Implant

Lost my tooth at midnight: Maggie, NYC resident, “lost” her front tooth while eating lettuce at midnight and was referred to our practice. Immediate implant placement allowed her to be restored to esthetics and complete health within a few months. Click on her video to hear her story.

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Kelly – Single Tooth Implant

Model Fractured Front Tooth: This attractive middle-aged model was devastated when she fractured her central incisor. Ten months following extraction, bone grafting and implant placement, she is back to smiling naturally.

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Paul – Lat. Incisors Implants

Young College Athlete Gets His Front Teeth: This dentist’s nephew was congenitally missing his upper lateral incisors. Following precise orthodontic therapy and bone grafting, implants could be placed ideally so that beautiful esthetics could be achieved.

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Frank – Teeth in a day

Young College Athlete Gets His Front Teeth: This dentist’s nephew was congenitally missing his upper lateral incisors. Following precise orthodontic therapy and bone grafting, implants could be placed ideally so that beautiful esthetics could be achieved.

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Hannah – Single Front Implant

Orthodontics, bone grafting and dental implants – the result: a beautiful smile. : This young girl presented for care at age 13. She was missing teeth and bone. Following orthodontics, the bone was reconstructed so that an implant could be placed ideally. The result is a beautiful smile and a very happy patient.

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Steven – Full Mouth Rehab…

Smile Rejuvenation Following Years of Inadequate Care: This middle-aged man had never had good “luck” with dental care. The result was severe decay and inability to chew or smile with confidence. Removal of his teeth with implant replacement was necessary to restore him to health. Today, he smiles with confidence and eats whatever he wants, pain free.

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Estavia – Full Mouth Implant

I Hate my Smile: This 42 year old dental phobic is losing all of her teeth to due severe untreated periodontal disease. She refuses to wear a denture. With immediately placed upper and lower implants, we were able to restore her to ideal health, function and esthetics.

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Carol - Multiple Implants

Restoring function and esthetics: At a young age, this woman had her lower first molar removed. Unfortunately, bone grafting was not performed at that time, resulting in a very thin, bony ridge. In this case, bone regeneration was required prior to implant placement. Once the graft healed, an implant was inserted with great stability and restoration with a crown followed. The patient was very pleased with her results. In our practice, we routinely perform bone grafting at the time of extraction to prevent bone loss.

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Sherri – Single Implant

Single Upper Central Incisor: Patient lost her upper central incisors due to a failed root canal. 20 years following implant placement the result is still ideal.