There Is Evidence That Yoga Can Bridge the Link Between Stress and Periodontal Disease

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There are a multitude of factors that play a role in the manifestation of periodontal disease. For example, stress − which is the body’s mechanism of response to a stressor. Negative events or difficulties can change the body’s way of functioning.

Chronic stress is tied closely to depression, as being one of the most common psychiatric illnesses that “can evoke emotional and physiologic reactions and is the most important modifiable risk factor for physical illnesses.” Together, stress and depression are associated with many systemic diseases through modification of the immune response.

To manage periodontal health in patients with significant stress, their stress must be acknowledged as being a risk factor for periodontal disease. Patients need to be aware of the effects of stress on their oral health and how to manage stress while working with their hygienist, physician, and mental health expert.

This article discusses how recent research supports controlling stress and depression with the help of yoga techniques to improve the outcome of periodontal treatment. Yoga can help lower the effects of stress while improving periodontal disease treatment outcomes. Also discussed are the effects of depression on oral health as well.

The bottom line? Stress and depression are leading factors contributing to periodontal disease. They release negative hormones, such as cortisol and inflammatory agents, that cause periodontal disease. The good news is, studies have shown that yoga is a beneficial, common practice to lower both stress and depression. Since yoga lowers inflammation — incidentally, the cause of periodontal disease, it is a cost-effective way to treat stress and depression.

You Can Read The Full Article Here:
Can Yoga Bridge the Link Between Stress and Periodontal Disease?